Friday, March 30, 2007

Know Your Enemy

"I think Oasis are the most overrated and pernicious band of all time. They had a negative and dangerous impact upon the state of British music. They have made stupidity hip. They claim to be inspired by The Beatles but - and this so saddens me - they have failed to grasp that The Beatles were about constant change and evolution. Oasis are repetitive Luddites."

Bloc Party's Kele Okereke has a Kevin Keegan moment, rising spectacularly to Liam Gallagher's Fergie-esque bait in an interview with Uncut. Gallagher Jr labelled Bloc Party "a band off 'University Challenge'". Perhaps as an English graduate Okereke was as narked about the slovenly grammar as he was about the slight on his band...

I can see his point about it being ridiculous to be made to feel ashamed for making intelligent music - but there's just something too serious and self-important about him that is faintly irritating (not enough to side with Monkey Boy, though...). See: my review of A Weekend In The City, which won't be up online until Sunday at the earliest thanks to a weekend trip to London and my urgent need to get some sleep, like, right now...

1 comment:

swisslet said...

even worse - didn't Gallagher call them that back in 2005? It's not even a very recent insult, is it?