Friday, November 05, 2004


The blogosphere reacts to Dubya's victory, the SWSL verdict being "That way madness lies...":

Paul: "Bugger".

Amblongus: "Well, that sucked ... Now to listen to Godspeed! You Black Emperor's Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennae To Heaven and reflect on the prospect of four more wars".

Bob Mould: "Last night's outcome leads me to believe the majority of this nation is comprised of God-fearing Christians. We are represented by a leader who has divided the country, and has turned a deaf ear to the rest of the world. We are in a holy war, and our European predecessors are very concerned. We have been instilled with fear: fear of God, fear of the Muslim world, fear everywhere we turn. Fear and hate is in the air; can't you smell it? They call it faith".

Pete: "I heard on the radio today that the Bush win was a victory for the moral majority. It's a queer notion of morality that rewards, lying and cheating and turns a blind eye to thousand upon thousand of unnecessary deaths, which willfully wrecks the environment, which rewards it's already rich friends and generally struts about smirking, gloating, like the the most spoiled frat boy in the history of frat boys. The tit won fair and square, probably, but that doesn't make him any less odious, or any more right, or any more fucking moral!"

Nick: "I am, of course, less than delighted with the outcome of the US presidential election, but not exactly surprised. For the last month of campaigning I could feel no hope for Kerry, only an overwhelming sense of dread and pointlessness. American friends, there is a spare room in our house".

Inspector Sands: "It's nothing short of baffling how anybody with a working brain could think George Bush's continued presidency could somehow be a good thing. The Americans had the chance to show one of the warmongerers the finger over the disaster in Iraq - which is more than we're going to get - and passed on it".

Agnes: "I really don't know what goes on in people's minds to vote someone into office who is so obviously bent on destroying the world. I'm really full of rage and sadness today, but there is nothing that can be done but to move on and live your life. Still. My belief in the essential goodness of people really took a blow today. I am scared for the world, but at the same time, I still want to believe that things will work out ok eventually, provided people don't give up and keep defending their basic human rights".

He Who Cannot Be Named: "More than anything, it is not anger or resentment or bitterness or a modulation of any of the kinds of feelings that make you grind your teeth and shout and hit stuff, I feel heartbroken. Heartbroken that a majority of the American people are either too shit scared to change their leader in wartime or because they think this smirking fuckwit and his evil band think that they're doing the best they can for the country and the world AND THEIR MORALS. They crave only money and power. That's all. But of course, you know that ... But to those who did vote Democrat (even that bowling chap Michael Crick interviewed who supported action in Iraq but still went for Kerry) thank you. I believe you can still make America great in the eyes of the world. Let's grit our teeth and get through these next four years together, thinking of a brighter, Republican-free future".

Jonathan: "What we have to do now is hold Bush to account wherever we can on whatever he does to further erode civil liberties, human rights and global peace. Many decent Americans and Europeans have spent much of the last four years campaigning and fighting for justice; that won't stop now. By any measure, the re-election of George Bush is a catastrophe; but plenty of moderate, sensible people - all across the world, including the US - will continue to oppose Bush's naked avarice, bigotry and beligerance; this burgeoning groundwell of activism will continue".

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