Thursday, August 15, 2024

"It's a bit of a crazy endeavour"

Green Man kicks off in earnest today, but I'd wager that few of those attending will have much of a idea of the sheer amount of work, stress and courage involved in putting it on. I'll admit that I didn't - until I read this Guardian article in which the festival's managing director Fiona Stewart (among others) talks about the myriad logistical challenges and strains (some unique/unexpected, some perennial), and how the preparations begin years in advance.

Perhaps the most startling statistic in the piece comes from Jon Rostron of the Association of Independent Festivals, who claims that festivals now need to sell 98 per cent of their total ticket allocation just to survive. This year's Green Man sold out instantly, but the regular announcements on social media suggest that another of the article's featured festivals, Sea Power's shindig Krankenhaus, may be struggling to meet those targets - and Capsule's marvellous experimental festival Supersonic in Birmingham too. Fingers crossed that they both pull through to fight another day.

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