Saturday, July 15, 2023

Dairy queen

If you find yourself in Hay-on-Wye today or tomorrow, gasping for a restorative cuppa in between bookshop browsing, I recommend calling in at Shepherds Parlour - and not just for the coffee and cake. It's also a final opportunity to see local photographer Billie Charity's current exhibition, which focuses on dairy farmer Dean Goodwin-Evans who - as his alter ego Boo La Croux - also happens to be Miss Drag UK 2021.

As Charity understandably enthuses, "[t]his man, in all his multi-colour glory, is a photographer's dream". It can't be often that a project like this seems to simply fall into your lap.

If you can't make it along to see the images chronicling Dean's transformation into Boo aka the Queen From No Scene, then this online gallery will have to suffice.

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