Thursday, October 28, 2021


Who better to review a film about drumming than John Colpitts?. The man also known as Kid Millions is an extraordinary force behind a kit (as I've witnessed first-hand), and (unsurprisingly) a knowledgeable and astute commentator on the instrument and its history.

In a review of Count Me In for Talkhouse that is less than complimentary, Colpitts complains that the Netflix documentary - despite being an "admirable" attempt to "open up the largely white and largely male LA session scene to a number of women's voices" - is nevertheless "riddled with cliches ..., factual errors and reels of filler, and it manages to perpetuate a blithe erasure of the Black roots of drumming". Ultimately, he claims, it "resonates with a toxic drum culture obsessed with status and athleticism". Hardly a glowing endorsement, then.

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