Thursday, June 11, 2020

Forward thinking

Opportunities to mix business with pleasure don't come along that often, so you have to be prepared to grab them with both hands. When Mark Daman Thomas asked if I'd offer some feedback on a book chapter, I was delighted to be able to use my, ahem, professional expertise in a non-work context, with respect to a subject I'm passionate about - so it's fantastic to see that the volume, The Future Of Live Music, has now published.

For obvious reasons, it's a subject that is currently on many people's lips - indeed, the context has shifted dramatically since the book was conceived and the chapters were written, to such an extent that you might reasonably ask whether live music has a future at all. As a result, Mark's contribution - "Digital Performances: Live-Streaming Music And The Documentation Of The Creative Process" - is infinitely more relevant now than it would have been only a few months ago. Live-streamed concerts are no longer merely a potential avenue for exploration but a necessity for any artist with the urge to perform rather than just release music.

It was great just to play a (very) small part in the chapter's development, but Mark was kind enough to send a copy of his band Islet's excellent new LP Eyelet by way of thanks. Needless to say, it's thoroughly recommended - here's Simon Tucker of Louder Than War to explain why.

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