Sunday, October 15, 2017

The show will go on

This year's Y Not Festival in Derbyshire was, by all accounts, an unmitigated catastrophe - aborted due to logistical problems caused by adverse weather conditions and poor infrastructure/planning. So it perhaps comes as something of a surprise to learn that the festival will return in 2018.

Thankfully, organisers Global aren't so naive or stupid enough to think that they can expect punters to part with their money without addressing the various issues that turned attendance into a nightmare. To that end, they've issued a series of pledges, promising to review and improve everything from security to facilities. Whether those pledges are enough to persuade people to sign up, and whether they're actually kept, remains to be seen - but those responsible do at least deserve credit for appearing to take the situation seriously and to acknowledge that big changes are needed.

That said, there doesn't seem to have been any comparable announcement as regards Truck. The Oxfordshire shindig, also run by Global, suffered its own problems last year and, while they certainly weren't on the same scale as those experienced in Derbyshire, it's not clear that lessons have been learned or that valid criticisms of the festival's loss of identity will be addressed for future events.

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