Saturday, February 25, 2017

Know Your Enemy

"When the campaign was happening, I was like, 'Wow, Trump is so much like Corgan. I'm sure Billy loves this guy. I know he's a Trump supporter. He has to be. He's got millions of dollars. He's got that ego. He loves the bully mentality.' I don't keep up with him, and I don't wanna talk bad about him. But I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was a Trump supporter. In fact, I'd be more surprised if he wasn't..."

David Pajo, making a very poor attempt at "not talking bad" about Billy Corgan, his former bandmate in Zwan. I've long wondered how he (or, indeed, anyone else) could possibly get on with Corgan - and it seems he couldn't.

For what it's worth, Dave, I suspect you're spot on. Corgan's appearances in conversation with Alex Jones on Infowars, ranting about political correctness and "social justice warriors", suggest as much...

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