Sunday, November 09, 2014

Donation denied

First it was the Red Cross saying they wouldn't accept any of the proceeds from Mike Read's immigrant-bashing tribute to Nigel Farage, 'UKIP Calypso'. Now it's Shelter who are turning down cash, on this occasion raised by the sale of a Christmas album by charming TV presenter/comedian (I use both words very loosely indeed) Dapper Laughs. What did he expect, though, as the performer of a song in which he shouts "You smell like shit!" at a homeless person?

Update: Thanks to Andrew for alerting me to the petition urging ITV to cancel Dapper Laughs' show, branded "a rapist's almanac", "a woeful, misogynistic celebration of banter-based cretinism" and "an avalanche of brainlessness bilging over 21st Century culture like a soft wave of WKD-infused phlegm" by Lee Kern on Huffington Post.

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