Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Know Your Enemy

"Just when it seemed the wells of wonder had run dry, just when it appeared that no more fountains of awe could be pumped up from the oily crust of celebrity reverence, just when you thought that we had been beaten into submission by the never-ending brilliance and talent of our favourite stars, Katherine Jenkins does something to astound. At the weekend, the fame-hungry Welsh mezzo-soprano managed to top even her own high standards of dumbfounding public appearances. For not only did she run the London Marathon, completing the 26.2 miles in a respectable 5 hours and 26 minutes. Not only did she raise £25,000 for Macmillan nurses, in memory of her father who died of cancer in 1996. The really amazing thing is that she did it all looking like a perfectly groomed pin-up every single step of the way. She did it looking as fresh and crisp as a frosted, coral-coloured rose from beginning to end."

Jan Moir - yes, her of the infamous Stephen Gately article -  launches into an attack on Katherine Jenkins for wearing make-up, diamond earrings and designer shades for the Marathon, having the nerve to accuse her of being a shameless self-publicist despite the fact she was raising a substantial sum for a personal (and very worthy) cause close to her heart. Funny how Moir's so quick to accuse others of self-publicising, isn't it?

This is just yet another example of Daily Heil columnist or online article ripping into a woman in the public eye for her appearance with all the zeal of a hardened misogynist. How it can appear in a section called Femail is beyond me.

(Thanks to Steve for the link.)

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