Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Know Your Enemy

"[The press are] like a feral beast, just tearing people and reputations to bits, but no-one dares miss out."

An interesting volte-face, Tony, given how assiduously you and your chums have cynically sought to court and manipulate them over the last decade and more. Would you like some ointment for that hand that once fed and is now relentlessly bitten?

Predictably, Blair's comments have both incensed and bemused the press, the Sun's editorial pointing out that "Labour cannot hail 9/11 as a 'good day to bury bad news' and then accuse the media of manipulation" and Independent editor Simon Kelner responding vociferously to Blair's caricature of it as a "viewspaper".

It's a curious coincidence that today I happened to be reading the chapter concerning the press in Anthony Sampson's excellent 'Who Runs This Place?' - more on that once I've finished it.


Will said...

The Sun's argument's a bit crap - it was only Jo Moore who was responsible for the 9/11 gaff (it wasn't like it was a Labour policy or nothing). And also, ironically, it was the press who came up with the expression "good day to bury bad news".

Okay, so she said "It's now a very good day to get out anything we want to bury" which means the same thing, but still says something about, well, something, no?

Jonathan said...

Right sentiment. Wrong spokesperson. It seems Blair's hypocrisy knows no bounds, but I still think he made some good points. Only the Guardian has had a couple of decent responses. The Sun's argument was, as has been rightly pointed out, a bit crap, but expectedly so.