Thursday, October 22, 2020

Coronavirus, contracts and corruption

I've been trying hard to avoid the subject of politics on here, out of concern for my blood pressure, but it was impossible not to read George Monbiot's latest column for the Guardian without posting some kind of reaction - even if it is just a howl of impotent rage.

Next time someone tells you that the Tories are merely bumbling fools or (worse still) well-meaning people doing the best they can in challenging circumstances, point them to this piece. The truth is that they're utter fucking scumbags who have seized the opportunity to squander public resources on eye-wateringly large contracts that carry no penalty for failure and line the pockets of their pals and assorted disaster capitalists who've scented cash - regardless of the consequences for the country and its people.

Monbiot's conclusion is worth quoting in full: "The government has bypassed the lean and efficient NHS to create an outsourced, privatised system characterised by incompetence and failure. The system's waste is measured not just in pounds, but in human lives. It is measured in mass unemployment, economic crisis, grief, isolation, long-term illness and avoidable death. So much for the efficiencies of privatisation."

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