Saturday, April 02, 2011

That sinking feeling

On Thursday I received an email at work apologising for a delay in the shipping of some stock from a nice chap from Titanic Ocean Services. Perhaps the delay can be attributed to his firm trying to come up with a more suitable name.

On another work-related note, I was surprised to hear we'd been approached by someone from Wallsend offering his services as a copy-editor/proofreader and boasting of being able to work in a wide variety of different languages including Latin. There's hardly much call for that particular ability in Wallsend, I scoffed - it's more important that you're handy with your fists. But, as it turns out, he's probably just a regular user of local public transport...

And, to veer off on a tangent, how better for BBC Newcastle to celebrate 30 years of the Metro than in the form of a musical?

(Thanks to Kyle for the last link.)

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