Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quote of the day

"Why go to a club to listen to an album all the way through when you could do that at home? It's a good question but here's another: When was the last time you got all the way through a great album at home without being interrupted or distracted?

Be honest, it's virtually impossible in 2011 to focus exclusively on 45 minutes of music in a domestic environment. As a result most of us have taken to listening whilst doing email or surfing the web or cooking or cleaning. This has to stop. There are certain albums that deserve to be given serious undivided attention and the Real Record Club is a place where that can happen.

Ahead of the inaugural gathering of Cardiff's Spillers-endorsed Real Record Club, founder Steve Shepherd explains the principles behind it to the Guardian. A little po-faced, perhaps, but a sentiment I can generally appreciate - and I'm even more in agreement with him when it comes to the fetishisation of the physical object. MP3s can continue to sod off, I'm happy living in the last century...

Update: Actually, it'd be interesting to know what bands make of the idea. Do modern musicians expect their albums to be treated with such reverence, or do they find the whole concept of the Real Record Club as laughably quaint and old-fashioned as the iPod generation will?

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