Tuesday, March 09, 2010

An open letter to my prospective MP

Dear Nicola

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that a regular cornerstone of the Tories' election campaign is Labour's wastefulness. With you and Dave in office, government at both a national and local level would be a lean, mean machine with resources wisely and specifically targeted and efficiency imperative.

So perhaps you can explain how you hope to convince me of this by shoving item after item of smug self-congratulatory bumf through our letterbox, and sometimes the same item twice? I wouldn't be surprised if people on our estate who've been on a fortnight's holiday find the Tories' campaign has shut them out of their own homes because they simply can't open the front door.

Yours sincerely



Paul said...

You should so post that to her. Possibly doing so two or three times over consecutive days.

Am I the only person who wants to grafetti all the Tory posters - the ones that start "I've never voted Tory but..." so that they read "I've never voted Tory, and I never will"?

Anonymous said...

So how is this different from Evan Harris, or any other candidate for MP from any party in any constituency in the UK?

If you have legitimate concerns that is your right, but its always telling when people crticize actions in their 'opponents' while blindly accepting the same or worse actions from their 'allies'.

Ben said...

Thanks for that, Anonymous, if not for your leaving snide comments without having the decency to put your name to them. Since this post was written the volume of stuff from the Lib Dems has increased markedly (which I would also have complained about, incidentally), but the fact remains that we've had more crap through the door from the Tories than from any other party - and neither have any of the other parties repeated themselves pointlessly with their missives.