Tuesday, May 26, 2009


With the BNP once again in the news over the possibility of party leader Nick Griffin getting to enjoy cucumber sandwiches and glasses of Pimms on the Buckingham Palace lawn, let's analyse the leaflet for their latest recruitment drive, which dropped on the doormat of a friend in Cardiff recently.

1. Apparently, the BNP are engaged in "The Real Battle For Britain", and, to prove the point, invoke the names of other glorious British victories: Trafalgar, the Somme, Dunkirk, D-Day and the Falklands. Yes, that's right - the Falklands. Anyone sense some straw-clutching going on?

2. On the back are photos of a couple of people under the heading "We're voting BNP". One, dressed in a white coat and purportedly a doctor, complains about the effects of immigration on the NHS. Funny, that - I could have sworn it was "foreigners" who are propping the NHS up... Interesting too that his name isn't given - presumably because he's a figment of the BNP's imagination played by an actor.

3. In the section where you can fill out your details, it's evident from the tick boxes for "Title" that they're aiming high - the first two options are "Dr" and "Rev"... What's more, while they claim to stand against political correctness (and that opposing this and mass immigration isn't racist, just "common sense"), they include a tick box for "Ms". You've got to love the irony.

4. Down in the bottom corner is a recyclable symbol. Nice to see them appealing to your average tree-hugging fascist, isn't it? Reminds me of this book...


Betty said...

The pictures of people who are supposedly voting BNP that appear on the new leaflet are actually stock photos of random people who don't have anything to do with the BNP ( ... well, they might have, but it's unlikely as there's a strong possibility that they're American).

Looks like they're a party you can trust, eh?

Ben said...

Yes - honest, open, trustworthy. One question: what would BNP MPs claim on expenses?

Del said...

The elderly couple are actually Italian.

Ben said...

Cheers Del - so much for the British National Party, eh?