Thursday, March 27, 2008

Quote of the day

"One was my fault, pure and simple, in trying to beat a deadline, and the other was caused by an interruption followed by the need to finish off and go out an appointment [sic]. That interruption (a particularly 'pushy' cold-caller at the door) got me so irate and upset that I didn't finish what I was doing correctly".

Ex-Tory councillor for Medway John Ward, writing on his (very poorly proofed and now deleted) blog, tries to pass the blame for the comments that led to his downfall.

Right up there with "The dog ate my homework", you might think, but we shouldn't be surprised at his excuse - after all, this is a man who's stated: "Personally, I won't deal with any door-to-door trader of any kind on principle, as it is my belief that reputable outfits wouldn't need to resort to such methods". (And in a nasty little "jotting" rant about travellers, too.) Little wonder, then, that a "particularly 'pushy' cold-caller" could have driven him to propose compulsory sterilisation for parents on benefits.

Incidentally, surely Ward's been a cold-caller himself, in his capacity as a local councillor? After all, the Tory party could hardly be considered a "reputable outfit". But of course hawking yourself and your party's wares about is very different to selling cleaning products...

Lashing out at the media and "Soviet-style Britain" for victimising him, Ward was forced into resigning yesterday. That's sure to have come as an unpleasant shock, given his declaration on Sunday that "the evidence is so strongly in support of what I do and its value that I shall almost certainly come out of this virtually unscathed". Hubris - don't you just love it, especially when it comes from right-wing blowhards?

1 comment:

Del said...

"Soviet-style Britain"?? Eh? You what? Is it? Great! Freedom for Tooting, comerade. I'll ring up the Manics and tell them they can stop making records now.