Thursday, October 13, 2022

"A Britain that is rarely seen"

Dan Wood, Joanne Coates and Tessa Bunney may not be focusing their lenses and their attention on the sort of grinding poverty and grim deprivation (and the stoic souls who struggled through) captured by the likes of Chris Killip, Tish Murtha and Nick Hedges - but, as this article by Greg Thomas for the British Journal Of Photography underlines, they too share a keen interest in making visible people, places and circumstances that might otherwise be overlooked or ignored, approaching their task with an ethics of empathy and affording their subjects both dignity and respect.

Personally speaking, the piece is (among other things) a helpful nudge reminding me to invest in a photobook or two from Another Place Press. Like Craig Atkinson of Cafe Royal Books and Bluecoat's Colin Wilkinson, Iain Serjeant does sterling work through publishing both books and zines that are high on quality and aesthetics but low on price.

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