Monday, May 04, 2015

Making football a political football

Football fan? Then you really should take part in the Vote Football campaign ahead of the election, if you haven't already done so. The aim is to put pressure on parliamentary hopefuls in the hope that they'll promise to support legislation to reform football governance - both to protect clubs from falling prey to "exploitative, clueless or reckless owners" and to ensure that fans are "consulted and respected" rather than "ignored and exploited". As a Newcastle Utd supporter, that's a pair of objectives I can heartily get behind.

On a related note, Laura Jones of Yes, I Can Explain The Offside Rule has pored over the manifestos to see what each party is pledging as regards sport, and football in particular. Well worth a look - not least to alert you to the fact that UKIP are proposing to abolish the Department of Culture, Media and Sport altogether...

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