Sunday, May 22, 2011

Know Your Enemy

"Thornton's suspension is a serious attack on academic freedom. The university claims in its statement that 'academic freedom is a cornerstone of this university and is guaranteed in employment terms under the university's statutes'. But it is precisely critical voices such as his that must be encouraged if freedom of expression is to mean more than facile sloganeering. The suspension appears even more senseless considering that Thornton says that he had spent the past three years exhausting all avenues to have these grievances addressed internally, only to be ignored and dismissed by management."

Two sides to every story? Well maybe - but, having read one side of this one, my alma mater doesn't exactly seem to be covering itself in glory.

How's about rebutting the arguments contained within Rod Thornton's paper rather than suspending and silencing him? Or launching a proper independent inquiry into Hicham Yezza's arrest? After all, if the university is convinced its actions were legitimate and Thornton's allegations are "baseless", then it shouldn't have anything to fear.

(Thanks to Neil for the link.)

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