Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quote of the day

"You don't often see the inner workings of a comedian's act, and in most cases that's no loss. This time, however, it feels like a privilege to peep behind the curtains."

The Guardian's Phil Daoust on Stewart Lee's new book How I Escaped My Certain Fate, which contains annotated transcripts of his three post-hiatus stand-up shows.

In truth, though, what's remarkable about Lee and the shows in question - Stand-Up Comedian, 90s Comedian and 41st Best Stand-Up Ever! - is that giving the audience "a peep behind the curtains" is very often the focus of the show. It takes a rare talent to make that not only not humourlessly self-indulgent but actually funnier than most "normal" comedians' sets.

Should buy the book, really - as well as a ticket for his Vegetable Stew tour.

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