Sunday, April 18, 2010

Know Your Enemy

"So there, finally, stood the leaders, who, oddly, all looked as if they were wearing the same black, lace-up shoes: a slightly camp robot made of gammon (Cameron), an untelegenic bonk-eyed maths bear (Brown) and Peter Jones from Dragons’ Den in a gold disco tie (Clegg)."

Caitlin Moran in the Times on the first televised election debate.

Some other election-related links:

* Try a blind taste test of the different parties' policies to find out whether you should vote the way you think you're going to.

* In an attempt to burst Clegg's post-debate popularity balloon, the Mail comes over all Nick Griffin, sneering at his "exotic lineage and cosmopolitan lifestyle". How dare he not be able to trace his British roots back to the time of King Arthur!

* The Daily Mash reveals that the Tories' manifesto was dictated to them by Mail editor Paul Dacre.

* Tory campaign poster parodies galore.

(Thanks to Dave, Neil, Alison and Darryl for the links.)

1 comment:

Alison said...

Great links, can't decide whether I find writing taking the piss out of the Daily Mail or the Daily Mail's own writing funniest. Any chance of SWSL reinstating the Election Special - Right to Reply? It would be fab to have it back.