Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quote of the day

"This is about Kelly and Joe, they decided to go on a camping trip, but Kelly notice something was really wrong, but Joe did not think anything was wrong! The night came and the zombies surrounded the cabin, and they were trap. Joe said don't worry we will be save!!!! Kelly said I Will called for Help on my cell phone, but no signal. Now Kelly was really worry, becasue Zombies were everywhere!!!! Then Kelly notice a car, ands we are traps, what are we going to do? Walking on Walks of Fame and seeing the Zombies coming toward them and grabbing there legs. I WANT YOUR BRAIN!"

The Amazon product description for breathless and brilliantly titled horror-slash-thriller Thin Ice: Zombies In LA: Nowhere To Run Or Hide by Jean Marie Rusin. OK, Dan Brown, come back - all is forgiven.

Rusin, as it happens, isn't bound by the strictures of genre (or, more surprisingly, of a straitjacket), and has turned her hand to everything from young adult fiction and chick-lit to historical fiction and even (*shudder*) erotica. A fine advertisement for the vanity press she uses, Authorhouse...

But at least her few Amazon reviewers have been kind. "No matter how many times I die and am reborn, I will always be four hours closer to death because of this book...". Oh. Ah.

(Thanks to Jane for the link.)

1 comment:

Dest said...

Hi Ben,

I just found this blog today, one year late! I'm the author of the "No matter how many times I die and am reborn, I will always be four hours closer to death because of this book..." Amazon review. Thanks for linking.

You should really pick up some Jean Marie books, they are well worth the $15 for the hours of entertainment at chic parties and such.