Sunday, October 25, 2009

Know Your Enemy

"It's the pretence that grates, the hollow emptiness and lack of any coherent reasoning behind her ridiculously lauded aesthetic, all these vague allusions to beauty that try to appear weighty but fail. Perhaps a shock of electricity would be just the cure for her listlessness. Ambition should surely be made of sterner stuff."

Laura Snapes of The Quietus is none too impressed with Florence or her Machine.

It's a bit of a hatchet job (possibly with a prior agenda - though Snapes has denied this), and there's some guff about "being female" having "developed into its own genre" (er, that would be the media's making, methinks), but certainly there's precious little of any interest, profundity or even coherence in what Florence has to say. I'll stick with Natasha Khan, thanks.

(Thanks to Brian for the link.)

1 comment:

Betty said...

I could froth on about how much I hate what Ms Machine has done to You've Got The Love by Candi Staton, but it would be incomprehensible ... so I won't.