Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Is it just me...

... or is 'Sex On Fire' a shit name for a song? Kings Of Leon think they've spied a Darkness-sized hole in the market, methinks, blissfully unaware that Justin Hawkins is trying to fill it with Hot Leg...


Del said...

It is a shit name for a song, but then so is "Sitting On Fire" by Spiritualized. And that's brilliant. The name is not an excuse.

I find Kings Of Leon a bit...meh. They seem to be one of those bands who've become huge simply by virtue of being around for a while and whilst doing just enough to keep people interested.

Ben said...

Fair point - Pierce was been pretty lazy with the song titles on Songs In A&E, really, wasn't he?

Kings Of Leon do very little for me - worse than just a bit meh. I can't fathom what other people see in them. They're OK bordering on boring to these ears - nothing more.