Monday, August 11, 2008

Lazy Busy Sunday afternoon

Sundays round these parts are traditionally dedicated to gradual recoveries from hangovers - but not the one just gone, spent in Cardiff. Oh no.

It started off with a stint of community service. Well, OK, helping out with some weeding and planting in the Adamsdown Community Garden which, barely two years after work began on its creation, is thriving. The reward for getting our hands dirty? A barbecue's meaty bounty and some delicious cous-cous.

The gardening done - time to wash the car? No, time to head to Bute Park for Woodstick, a minier-than-mini DIY festival featuring The School, Little My, The Spencer McGarry Season and Silence At Sea amongst others. Drizzle be damned! Cocktail sausages, homemade carrot cake and tweepop ahoy! There'll be a proper write-up on here in the fullness of time (i.e. the next fortnight, in all probability).

And thence to the steps of the National Museum for a group photo for the Spillers 2009 calendar. The size of the assembled throng was testament to the special affection locals have for the world's oldest record shop - as was the fact that we stood around in our Spillers T-shirts for what seemed like ages in the cold with just Jurassic 5 blasting out of a parked car for entertainment while pictures were taken from all angles. Perhaps Kate Moss does it tough after all. A good thing, too, that it wasn't along WI / Chippendales lines...

How was your Sunday?


Del said...

I saw the new Star Wars animated movie in Leicester Sq, and got to share the screening with Anthony Daniels, aka C3P0, who introduced it. Which was pretty cool, even for an arch cynic like myself.

Then I watched a lot of Frasier and fell asleep on the Observer. Then I went to Nandos, even though I had a fridge full of perfectly good food. Mainly because girls asked me.

Ben said...

As good a reason as any, Del...

You won't get me anywhere near that new Star Wars thing.

Phill said...

But Ben - I want to know about Billy Idol in central Europe?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ben said...

Don't worry Phill, it's coming. Though I'm now worried I've built it up to be much, much more than it actually was...