Tuesday, May 15, 2007

If you only read one blog post this week...

... make it this one, in which The Overnight Editor describes a recent drunken mishap in electrifying prose, recreating the moment with extraordinary lucidity. Plus you can't really afford to overlook a post in which the simile "like some sort of horror-film cum shot" makes an appearance.

But if you read more, then give Jonathan's latest posts a peek - just to whet your appetite, one's about his campaign to revive hat-wearing in Britain singlehandedly, and the other's about aeroplanes, "the exiled son of a Ugandan prince" and chicken casserole without any chicken in it.

Meanwhile, over on Troubled Diva Mike's chuffed to bits that he's finally discovered his vocation, music journalism, and has been busy proving it, too - take your pick from his Eurovision preview, a review of the new Rufus Wainwright album Release The Stars and live reports on Diana Ross and a triumphantly Weller-less Jam.

Lastly but not leastly, and still on a musical tip, the recent upsurge in song-by-song blogs has inspired Ian of Stylus and Fractionals to set up his own, Too Many Words, Too Many Words, which takes Minnesotan trio Low for its subject. Already up there are posts about 'On The Edge Of' (from The Great Destroyer) and 'Sunflower' (from Things We Lost In The Fire). Incidentally, you can expect some belated thoughts on their newie Drums And Guns here some time in the near future.

1 comment:

Ian said...

Thanks, Ben - my next post will be sometime tonight, I think, and I'm going to go alllll the way back to their debut. I look forward to reading your take on Drums and Guns...