Monday, January 05, 2004

Lists, glorious lists

Why is there such a HUGE disparity between most albums and singles lists I've come across for 2003? Singles = Beyonce, Sean Paul, Justin, Outkast, etcetera; ie oodles of hook-laden ultra-modern hip pop. Albums = The Rapture, Songs:Ohia, White Stripes, Strokes, etcetera; ie oodles of dirty rockist shite. ¿Que?

A point made by self-confessed listophobe Nick Southall of Auspicious Fish that’s pertinent to my own lists, and one to which I’m not sure I’ve got an answer – except perhaps for the fact that what works best as a single doesn’t work best when repeated along similar lines several times in sequence to make an album.

Other end-of-year music lists can be found and enjoyed on the following fine blogs: Deviated Septum, Glamorama, The Naked Maja, No Matter What You Heard, Parallax View.

(Incidentally, Nick’s also written some interesting stuff on The White Stripes and the whole notion of “authenticity” – worth a read.)

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