Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Back of the net!

A warm welcome back to the knitwear-clad king of chat OAP (old Alan Partridge), now 47 and residing in a static caravan with his 33-year-old Ukranian girlfriend Sonja. "She's 14 years younger than me. Cashback!" Thankfully he's got over being discarded by the BBC and his consequent breakdown and fat period, and is bouncing back to old ways and saying things like "I like your hair, Lynn. Has your mother's money come through?" Disturbingly, though, Alan seems to have become a bit of a randy nymphomaniac ("OK Sonja, let's be appalling"), although thankfully he doesn't (or didn't, until yesterday's episode) understand the concept of watersports. I suppose in a later episode we may see him giving it a whirl. What a gruesome thought. Anyway, let's hope there's more comic greatness to come from Steve Coogan, Armando Ianucci et al. They've got a lot to live up to after recent series of 'The Office', 'League Of Gentlemen' and 'Phoenix Nights'. Final thought: who's your favourite lord? It's a vexed question. There isn't really a lord in 'Lord Of The Flies', if I remember correctly, and as for Michael Flatley - a man in a blouse? Nah, it'd have to be Screaming Lord Sutch. And he's dead.

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