Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Party political broadcast Political broadcast party

How to make the next two televised election debates that little bit more interesting: courtesy of my brother, the Televised Election Debate Drinking Game.

The rules are simple - you have to have a drink every time:

* one of them has an anecdote involving them talking to someone

* one of them talks about their sainted parents / children / upbringing

* Brown or Cameron agrees with Clegg (two drinks if they actually say "I agree with Nick")

* the cameramen make a mistake (bad lighting, walking into shot, a really weird spinning shot) - perhaps less likely now we've got ITV out of the way

* Clegg distances himself from both the others ("Those two...")

* Brown doesn't stop talking when he's meant to

* Cameron says "prop'ly" instead of "properly" (or similar).

In other election news, we continue to be bombarded with guff from local Tory party candidate Nicola Blackwood. The thing that jumped out at me most from the latest missive? The fact that it declares itself to be "Delivered FREE across Oxford West & Abingdon". Because, of course, I would have been delighted to have paid for the privilege of removing it from the jaws of the letterbox and tossing it into the recycling tub.

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